b'Ross F. STEEL BRUSHGeorge In 1960, the 18th edition introduced the Steel Brush, with the purpose of making larger letters for posters & modern-day showcards. With seven flexible metal layers, it can perform similar functions to a conventional lettering brush.POINTEDA pointed pens two PEN tines come together to form the finest of hairlines, but react to pressure to easily produce a thicker stroke called ashade. It is a whole other world ofJohn DeCollibus calligraphy.POINTED BRUSHThe pointed brush offers scribes flexibility and freedom. One brush can create many diverse styles, sizes and weights. All ways of doing calligraphy are expressive, but pointed brush aficionados feelits the most.Georgia DeaverFLAT BRUSH Is a flat brush the mostsophisticated of all writing tools? Consider itsresponsiveness, complex capabilities and pedigree of history with its origins as the tool that made theMonumental Capitalsthe instrument that caused the form. John Stevens5'