Philadelphia, PA

Aftyn Shah is a printmaker and painter living outside Philadelphia with her family. Much of her work focuses on the majesty of the Great Outdoors, from nature’s tiny elegant details to the grand sweeping landscapes that take our breath away. She works from her sunny home studio, and the rhythm of her art practice is influenced by two young sons and by her adventures outside.

She came to printmaking after a traumatic brain injury compelled her to leave her corporate job in DC, and she has found recovery and peace in both art and hiking. She combines her passion for both in Rise + Wander, her art business that doubles as a personal reminder to get up and outside.

In each piece she creates, regardless of medium, Aftyn strives to imbue a sense of wonder that stirs the curiosity and wandering spirit of her audience. She hopes to inspire others through her work, and ultimately bring them closer to nature. Toward that end, she also places great emphasis on creating affordable artwork in her studio practice, allowing everyone the opportunity to bring home a piece of original work that touches them. Printmaking, and its potential for multiplicity, is a perfect way to meet that goal.


My very first foray into block printing involved nearly all Speedball products, many of which I continue to use in my studio today. It’s a brand inextricably linked with quality and printmaking at all levels, and I’m excited to share my experience and love of this artform, hopefully inspiring others to try it out!


“Riverstone Blue came from my affinity for deep, dark blue-greys, like the tones you might find in wet river rocks. With my work, I tend to focus on simple, eye-catching contrasts, mostly using black ink. I really wanted a color that would stay true to that contrast, while offering more depth. Riverstone Blue changes as the light hits it throughout the day, revealing its richer blue tones.”

Images of Work

